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Table 3 The difference between age estimated by different methods and actual age

From: A comparison between incremental lines of cementum and aspartic acid racemization in age estimation: histological and biochemical study


Mean (SD)

Difference between the actual age and estimated age

P value for the paired samples t test

Mean difference

95% Confidence interval for the difference

Actual age

35.41 (8.17)


Estimated age (light)

32.05 (5.77)


2.51 to 4.21

 < 0.001

Estimated age (polarized)

30.80 (5.50)


3.68 to 5.54

 < 0.001

Estimated age (racemization)

35.55 (8.41)

 − 0.14

 − 0.47 to 0.19
