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Table 1 Measurements performed on scaphocephalic skull

From: A rare case of the scaphocephalic skull of an adult male



1. Maximum cranial length (g-op)

Direct distance measured between glabella and opisthocranion

2. Maximum cranial breadth (eu-eu)( Euryon)

Maximum width of skull perpendicular to midsagittal plane

3. Bizygomatic diameter (zy-zy)

Maximum breadth across the zygomatic arches, perpendicular to the median plane

4. Midfacial width (zm-zm)

The shortest distance between right and left zygomaxillare

5. Basion-bregma height (ba-b)

Direct distance from the lowest point on the anterior margin of foramen magnum to bregma

6. Upper facial height (n pr)

Direct distance from nasion to prosthion

7. Minimum frontal breadth (ft-ft)

Direct distance between 2 frontotemporale

8. Frontal chord (n-b)

Direct distance from nasion to bregma taken in the midsagittal plane.

9.Parietal chord (b-l)

Direct distance from bregma to lambda taken in the midsagittal plane

10. Occipital chord (l-o)

Direct distance from lambda to opisthion

11. Biasterionic width (ast-ast)

The shortest distance between right and left asterion

12.Arc length (n-b)

Arch length measured between nasion and bregma

13. Arc length (b-l)

Arch length measured between bregma and lambda

14. Arc length (l-o)

Arch length measured between lambda and opisthion