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Table 6 Attitude of the students towards the use of performance-enhancing substances and their recommendations regarding dealing with the use of performance-enhancing substances

From: Assessment of knowledge, perception, attitude, and use of performance-enhancing substances among students of Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University, Egypt: a pilot study

Attitude queries



No (%)

χ2 (P)

Do you go to gym?


46 (48.9)

36 (31.9)

82 (39.6)

6.256 (0.012)


48 (51.1)

77 (68.1)

125 (60.4)



94 (100)

113 (100)

207 (100)


Did you ever use one of the doping substances at any previous time to improve physical performance?


13 (13.8)

11 (9.7)

24 (11.6)



81 (86.2)

102 (90.3)

184 (88.5)

0.840 (0.360)


94 (100)

113 (100)

207 (100)


Did you consume any of energy drinks?


14 (14.9)

14 (12.4)

28 (13.5)

0.275 (0.600)


80 (85.1)

99 (87.6)

179 (86.5)



94 (100)

113 (100)

207 (100)


Did you ever use one of the doping substances at any previous time for enhancement of academic study (e.g., exams)?


4 (4.3)

9 (8)

13 (6.3)



89 (95.7)

103 (92)

192 (93.7)

1.193 (0.275)


93 (100)

112 (100)

205 (100)


Did you at any time asked about your advice concerning the use of doping substances?


41 (43.6)

38 (33.6)

79 (38.2)



53 (56.4)

75 (66.4)

128 (61.8)

2.169 (0.141)


94 (100)

113 (100)

207 (100)


When faced with a case pressuring for a prescription of one of the prohibited substances for non-medical use, would you prescribe to keep the physician-patient relationship?


15 (16)

13 (11.5)

28 (13.5)

0.870 (0.351)


79 (84)

100 (88.5)

179 (86.5)



94 (100)

113 (100)

207 (100)



 Reporting to health authority any non-medical use of doping substances is a suitable option to combat doping.


41 (43.6)

59 (52.2)

100 (48.3)


  Strongly agree

22 (23.4)

26 (23)

48 (23.2)

5.442 (0.245)


8 (8.5)

7 (6.2)

15 (7.2)


  Strongly disagree

9 (9.6)

3 (2.7)

12 (5.8)


  Do not know

14 (14.9)

18 (15.9)

32 (15.5)


 Adolescents’ education about the health dangers of the doping procedures is the suitable way to combat doping.


1.604 (0.808)


42 (44.7)

53 (46.9)

95 (45.9)


  Strongly agree

24 (25.5)

34 (30.1)

58 (28)



12 (12.8)

10 (8.8)

22 (10.6)


  Strongly disagree

4 (4.3)

5 (4.4)

9 (4.3)


  Do not know

12 (12.8)

11 (9.7)

23 (11.1)


 The role of medical doctors in the prevention of doping is by reporting any case of doping to the authorities.


3.623 (0.459)


42 (44.7)

58 (51.3)

100 (48.3)


  Strongly agree

21 (22.3)

23 (20.4)

44 (21.3)



18 (19.1)

12 (10.6)

30 (14.5)


  Strongly disagree

2 (2.1)

3 (2.7)

5 (2.4)


  Do not know

11 (11.7)

17 (15)

28 (13.5)

  1. Person’s chi-square test