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Table 1 Facial measurements taken from the participants and their meanings

From: A cross-sectional study of the anthropometry of the face among Bonos and Ewes in the Bono region of Ghana

Facial measurements


Upper face height 1 (tr-g)

Distance from the hair line (trichion) and the midpoint of the supra-orbital margins (glabella)

Upper face height 2 (tr-n)

Distance from the hair line (trichion) to the intersection between frontonasal and internasal (nasion)

Total face height (tr-gn)

Distance from the hair line (trichion) to the lowest point on the lower border of the mandible in the mid-sagittal plane (gnathion)

Midface height 1 (n-st)

Distance from the nasion (n) to the midsagittal of the oral fissure

Midface height 2 (g-sn)

Distance in the median plane from the glabella and the subnasale

Lower face height/mandibular height (st-gn)

Straight distance from the stomion (st) to the gnathion

Maxillary height (sn-st)

Straight distance from the subnasale to stomion in the mid-sagittal plane

Mandibular width (go-go)

Maximum breadth of the lower jaw between two gonion points on the angles of mandibles

Mouth width (ch-ch)

Distance between the cheilion points (ch-ch)

Nasal height (n-sn)

Straight distance from the nasal root (nasion) to the subnasale in the mid-sagittal plane

Nasal length (n-pn)

Straight distance from the nasal root (nasion) to the tip of the nose in the mid-sagittal plane (pronasale)

Nasal tip protrusion (sn-pn)

Straight distance from the subnasale to the tip of the nose in the mid-sagittal plane (pronasale)

Morphological nose width (al-al)

Distance from the lateral-most aspect of one ala nasi to the lateral-most aspect of the other ala nasi

Anatomical nose width (ac-ac)

Distance from the right to the left alae curvatures (ac)

Intertragal width (t-t)

Anterior distance from the tragus points (t-t)

Tragus-exocanthion (t-ex)

Distance from a tragion (t) point to an exocanthion (ex) of the same laterality

Tragus-subnasale (t-sn)

Distance from a tragion (t) point to the subnasale (sn)

Tragus-cheilion (t-ch)

Distance from a tragion (t) to a cheilion (ch) point of same laterality

Tragus-gnathion (t-gn)

Depth of the lower third of the face from tragion to the lowest point on the lower mandibular border in the mid-sagittal plane (gnathion)

Eye Fissure width (en-ex)

Distance from the left endocanthium to the left exocanthion of the same eye in the horizontal plane

Biocular width (ex-ex)

Distance from the exocanthion of the palpebra to the exocanthium of the opposite eye in the horizontal plane

Intercanthal width (en-en)

Distance from the endocanthium of one palpebra to the endocanthium of the opposite eye in a horizontal plane

Ear length (sba-sa)

Maximum distance from the superior aspect (supra-aurale) to the inferior aspect of the external ear (sub-aurale)

Ear width (pra-pa)

Width of the external ear (pinna) taken from preaurale to post-aurale