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Table 10 Collective flavour (taste and aroma) by flavouring additives in mu’assel varieties

From: Forensic chemical profiling of flavouring additives in seized mu’assel (shisha) by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS)

Representative sample

Collective taste

Collective aroma


Cool mint, vanilla, anise, fennel, citrus-rosy with spiciness

Strong penetrating odour of orange, anise, fennel, sweet rose, raspberry and patchouli


Cool mint, citrus-rosy, vanilla, licorice with spiciness

Strong penetrating odour of musk, green floral jasmine metallic fresh rose note, anise and fennel anisic type odour.


Cool mint, citrus-rosy, vanilla, woody with spiciness of black pepper

Strong penetrating odour of musk, vanilla, raspberry, orange, lilac and rose


Cool mint, citrus-rosy, vanilla with spiciness

Strong penetrating odour of patchouli, rose, spicy, raspberry, musk, green floral jasmine metallic fresh rose note, anise, fennel, fruity odour of apple or pineapple, sweet fruity-rose honey floral odour, mixture of floral and citrus


Cool mint, vanilla with spiciness

Citrus-rosy, patchouli, spicy, musk, green floral jasmine metallic fresh rose note


Cool mint, vanilla, spicy, rose-like floral

Strong penetrating odour of citrus-rosy, patchouli, spicy, vanilla, fruity odour of raspberry, green floral jasmine metallic fresh rose note and almond odour-like hawthorn


Floral, cool mint, vanilla, spicy, musk, licorice type and rose-like floral

Strong penetrating, floral with touch of spiciness, citrus-rosy, vanilla, spicy, patchouli, musk, green floral jasmine metallic fresh rose note and anisic-type odour