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Fig. 1 | Egyptian Journal of Forensic Sciences

Fig. 1

From: Concentration and Purity DNA Spectrophotometer: Sodium Monofluorophosphate forensic impended effect

Fig. 1

Examination of the greenish colour marked on toothbrush during recovery of DNA sample. The greenish colour observed on the toothbrush recovered for DNA analysis prompted to the examination of the associated effect. Colour observed correlated with the colour of the toothpaste provided that remained concentrated in bristles. During examination of the greenish colour the SMFP compound was found. Sequential examination made during DNA sample recovery is sectioned as it appears in; a Introduce toothbrushes evidences with detected deep colour (greenish) compared to other toothbrushes. b Sample recovery through soaking was conducted carefully while tracing the marked sample. c Displays bristles immersed in tubes with distilled water to allow down settling of sample from toothbrushes. d Cross matching of, colour concurred. e Submits SMFP compounded toothpaste, further analysis to continue establish consequences on forensic DNA

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