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Table 1 Age wise distribution of suicide cases

From: Trends and determinants of suicide in Warangal District Telangana, India: six years retrospective study based on secondary data

Age cohort




Perason’s Chi Square pvalue

1. < 14 years

32 (2.4%)

18 (2.4%)

14 (2.4%)


2. 14 < 18 years

54 (4.1%)

16 (2.1%)

38 (6.6%)


3. 18 - < 35 years

452 (34.1%)

189 (25.2%)

263 (45.7%)

P < 0.001

4. 35- < 45 years

422 (31.8%)

275 (36.7%)

147 (25.6%)


5.45- < 60 years

219 (16.5%)

155 (20.7%)

64 (11.1%)


6. ≥ 60 years

146 (11%)

97 (12.9%)

49 (8.5%)

  1. Percentages calculated across column, Agecohort according to NCRB ADSI report