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Table 1 Characteristic properties to distinguish between ante-mortem (true) drowning and post-mortem (false) drowning (Pérez-Burillo et al. 2021; Hamsher et al. 2011; Bailet et al. 2020)

From: A comprehensive review of forensic diatomology: contemporary developments and future trajectories

Characteristic properties

Ante-mortem drowning

Post-mortem drowning


*Drowning while conscious

*Drowning after death

Cause of deaths

Suicidal or accidental


Incidents from all drowning cases*




Tears in alveoli may be observed

No tears in the alveoli

Diatom test

Positive, except in the case of dry drowning**

Negative, except if water enters the lungs by passive absorption

Diatom presence in the lungs

20 diatom frustules per 100 ml of the residue obtained by enzymatic digestion from 10 g of lung tissue more than 5 diatom frustules

Absent or fewer

Diatom presence in another internal organ

Per 10 g of sediment from other internal organs


  1. *Data might vary according to different regions
  2. **Other types of ante mortem drowning where diatoms may not enter even lung cavities, due to laryngeal spasm and glottis spasm which prevent the flooding of the lungs with water. Here, the victims die due to fatal cerebral hypoxia caused by 'suffocation'