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Table 4 The demographic data in the control group

From: Rhabdomyolysis in drug-related deaths

Age (mean)

33.64 years

Sex (n, %)

Male = 18 (81.8)

Female = 4 (18.2)

Cause of death (n, %)


4 (18.2)


2 (9.1)

 Brainstem laceration

3 (13.6)

 Aortic laceration

1 (4.5)

 Liver laceration

2 (9.1)

 Heart and lung laceration

1 (4.5)

 Cervical spine injuries

1 (4.5)

 Intracranial hemorrhage

1 (4.5)

 Pulmonary embolism

1 (4.5)


1 (4.5)

 Head injuries

2 (9.1)

 Multiple organ injuries

3 (13.6)

Found substances (n, %)


11 (50)


6 (27.3)

 Multiple drugs

5 (22.7)

  Case 1


  Case 2

Methamphetamine, methadone

  Case 3

Methamphetamine, midazolam, Morphine

  Case 4

Ethanol, methamphetamine

  Case 5

Ketamine, methamphetamine

The organ mean weights (g, range)

 Lung : right

503.64 (200–980)

 Lung : left

444.55 (180–1150)


300.45 (200–420)


1272.73 (1150–1600)


1430.91 (970–2300)